Which Tracy Beaker character are you (series 2)

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In Series 2 of The Story of Tracy Beaker, Adele has move back in and Lol and Bouncer are new, Tracy is still friends with Ben and there is new care worker Nathan.

Which one of the Dumping Ground kids are you from this series? Are you bad enough to be Amber or super good like Dolly - find out with this quiz!

Created by: magic_
  1. What do you think of Tracy Beaker?
  2. Do you have a bad temper?
  3. How happy are you?
  4. What do you think of Dolly?
  5. How much do you like Ben?
  6. How smart do you think you are?
  7. Do you like video/computer games?
  8. Do you like Louise?
  9. What do you think of Amber?
  10. What do you like about a party?
  11. Interests?
  12. Who do you dislike?
  13. How much do you like Nathan on a scale of 1-4?
  14. Would you get involved with playing with the others?

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Quiz topic: Which Tracy Beaker character am I (series 2)