Which teenager post are you?

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If you want to know which teenage post you are, take this quiz! This quiz will tell you which teenage post you are! This is a fun quiz, so sadly there is no personality check or anything that ties into the results.

If you want to know which teenage post you are, take this quiz! This quiz will tell you which teenage post you are! This is a fun quiz, so sadly there is no personality check or anything that ties into the results.Sorry :*(

Created by: pieiscool
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Do you know what teenage posts are?
  3. Do you like teenage posts?
  4. Why are you taking this quiz?
  5. Are you dating any one?
  6. Do you like studying?
  7. Do you start panicking if you don't feel your phone in your pocket?
  8. Would you rather be on the computer or doing drugs?
  9. Do you ever laugh so hard to where your laugh is silent?
  10. Do your friends ever delete their response to the conversation that you two were having online?

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Quiz topic: Which teenager post am I?