Which SVTFOE Character are You?

Hello! :D Glad you clicked this cuz idk if this is gonna get much people! This is a quiz I made for fun, and it might be super super horrible but idk what you people want.

You can get Star, Marco, Eclipsa, and Glossaryick. Warning: Some answers or result may be offensive. I didn’t mean to insult you I’m sorry if you are insulted. This quiz is quirky too sooooo...... Welp, you don’t wanna keep reading this (unless you skip the whole thing) I hope you like it bye!

Created by: Breezy_Fox
  1. If you had a magic wand, what would it look like?
  2. Would you go on adventures?
  3. In the face of battle, what would you do?
  4. Do you actually like the series??? (No effect)
  5. Pick a color
  6. What is your mom like?
  7. What HP House?
  8. Go to Accesory?
  9. For or against monsters?
  10. And lastly: Did you like this Quiz? (No effect)

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Quiz topic: Which SVTFOE Character am I?
