Which Supreme Skibidi Member Are You?

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Which Supreme Skibidi member are you quiz? Let’s see how sigma and alpha you are based off this epic quiz. Make sure to like and subscribe for more quizzes like this!

Are you sneaky and like to wear black dresses like Sawyer, or are you a show off and a medal winning kid like Aaden? Take this quiz to find out today!

Created by: SparkleStarlight09
  1. *Ring* The bell has rung and you made your way into 1st period. Your teacher announces that you have a free day today! What are you doing?
  2. After a while of playing and going crazy, you and your friends decide to get your instruments. Which instrument are you getting?
  3. Wow, making and playing music with your friends was fun, but how about we listen to music? What music are we listening to?
  4. That was also pretty fun! It’s time for break now, what are you doing?
  5. Now, you and your friends are in the P.E locker rooms to dress after exercising. What are you dressing in?
  6. You’re now in English. You decide to read a book because you’re very bored. What book are you reading?
  7. You and your friends are having a debate on skibidi toilet. Do you think it is brainrot or do you think it’s a culturally significant world history event that has changed lives in this decade.
  8. You and your friends now have a debate on teachers, who do you think is the best teacher on campus in CHJH?
  9. You and your friends randomly go back to talking about brainrot, and how it is. You guys discuss about the most brainrot brainrot ever. Which one do you think is the most brainrot ever?
  10. *Ring* Its finally the end of the day, and you’re walking with your friends. What are you guys doing after school?

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Quiz topic: Which Supreme Skibidi Member am I?
