Which Star Wars; The Clone Wars character are yo?

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Which Star Wars: The Clone Wars character are you? Well, if I'm honest, the title kind of tells you what the quiz is about. Anyway, this quiz will tell you which SWTCW character you are! please enjoy!

Think you know which character you'd be? Want to prove to a friend that you are a certain character? Or that a certain character is similar to you? Use this quiz!

Created by: SWTCWFangirl

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What's your favourite colour?
  2. How would you describe your self?
  3. What colour are your eyes?
  4. Do you think you would be...
  5. Roughly how tall are you?
  6. What is your natural hair colour?
  7. If you were a clone wars character, who do you think you'd look up to?
  8. What is your favourite form of combat?
  9. What is your favourite lightsaber form?
  10. Which Character do you think you'll be?

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