Which Soul Eater Character Are You???

This is a quiz I made just for fun. I was bored so I decided to make a "Which character are you?" quiz. I hope you like it, and remember to tell the truth for the entire thing.

So, are you Maka or Soul, Black Star or Tsubaki, Kid, or maybe even Liz or Patty? Who knows? Well, this quiz does. So take this quiz and find out which Soul Eater character you are most like.

Created by: someone
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which is the weapon of your choice?
  2. How hard do you study for tests?
  3. You are a weapon and your meister is losing his or her battle. The enemy is coming at you for the death blow. What do you do?
  4. What is your favorite pass time?
  5. Do you know how to play basketball? If you do, do you like it?
  6. If you had the choice to be either a weapon or meister, which would you be?
  7. What is you hair color?
  8. Would you take Blair as a pet?
  9. If you went to the DWMA, what would your biggest goal be?
  10. Would you have the heart to kill the witch Angela?

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Quiz topic: Which Soul Eater Character am I???