Which Soul Eater Character are you?

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There are many extreme and diverse personalities in the popular anime/manga Soul Eater. From the stressed out overachievers,to the depressed refugees, to the blissfully oblivious gangsters.

So, have you ever wondered which of the Soul Eater characters you are most like? Take a few short minutes to answer these simple questions, and find out!

Created by: DemonCookie
  1. Alright, first question: pick a word.
  2. Pick another word (please don't kill me >~
  3. How do you approach a fight?
  4. If you were to choose, which weapon would you be?
  5. Describe your personality type.
  6. Which of these words describes you best?
  7. You're walking through Death City, and are approached by a witch. You're reaction?
  8. You defeat the witch, but your friend is badly injured. What do you do?
  9. Name a feature you dislike about yourself.
  10. Name a feature you like about yourself.
  11. Did you like this quiz? *hides behind Crona so you don't kill me*
  12. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Which Soul Eater Character am I?