Which Sleepy Bois Inc. + Tubbo Member Are You?

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Uh, sorry if any of the results aren't super good at describing any of the members. I think I did a decent job, but let me know if I need to change anything.

•⛧♛ DREAM!! Hello, do your shoes need shining? Dream! DREAM please! Do you need coffee? Come back! PLEASE!! Don't go away from me! Dream PLEASE! ♛⛧•

Created by: kris_innit
  1. What is one of your favorite mobs?
  2. What's your go-to weapon?
  3. What do you normally do when playing Minecraft?
  4. Which out of these would you say is your strong point?
  5. Who's your favorite member of SBI? (this will have no effect toward your quiz)
  6. What's your favorite color and/or a color you wear often?
  7. Who do you hope to get? (will have no effect on your quiz)
  8. Who would you want as a best friend?
  9. Pick a living space you'd have in your Minecraft world.
  10. Did you enjoy the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Sleepy Bois Inc. + Tubbo Member am I?
