Which Side of Debbie Are You?

Debbie is smart and funny. Are you as smart and funny as Debbie? Can you compare with such wit? Find out here! Take this quiz and see which side of Debbie you truly reflect

Do you think you are as funnyor as Debbie? Are you as smart? Which side of Debbie's personality are you most like? The silly? or the serious? Take this test and find out.

Created by: Debbie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It's breakfast time...what are you eating?
  2. You go to the bookstore which book do you choose....
  3. You run into a guy you like and you think....
  4. You really have a thing for....
  5. Which are you more likely to watch?
  6. You like.....
  7. You are shopping. You'd most like chose a shirt that....
  8. You'd rather date....
  9. You really like to listen to....
  10. Finish this line....Shake your money maker....

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Quiz topic: Which Side of Debbie am I?