Which side are you in Star Wars

In this quiz you will see if you are on the dark side or the light side! this took a lot of work. The reason why I made this is because I watched all of the Star Wars movies and read some books about Star Wars, so I know a lot.

At the end of the quiz, you will see what you got, what you are (sith, Jedi, ect.), a description about what you are, and what person you are (Obi Wan Kenobi, DARTH Vader, ect.). Now, I hope you have a lot of fun!!!

Created by: AandAG
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which is your favorite color?
  2. Which is best
  3. Which character would you be?
  4. Which movie is your favorite?
  5. As a Jedi, would you get married?
  6. Which feeling do you feel the most?
  7. Which would you most likely do if someone that is in your class was sad?
  8. Which was your favorite battle?
  9. Which animal is the best?
  10. Who is you favorite bounty hunter?

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Quiz topic: Which side am I in Star Wars