Which Remastered member are you (Part 1)

Apparently this quiz thingy only wants 10 people and that’s so funny lmaooo because it made me frustrated and now it’ll make the others mad too! Shame

If only you allowed me to add everyone in the group chat… shame on you GoToQuiz. I am so disappointed in you b------s! 10 is a horrible bad number yo!

Created by: Remastered
  1. Which Remastered division are you in?
  2. Are you one of the OG members?
  3. Just Imagine the group chat as a military unit, what rank are you?
  4. Choose a remastered mascot
  5. Pick a random word
  6. Your favorite Blink 182 Song
  7. If you could change one thing about Remastered, what would that be?
  8. Choose a lyric that best suits you
  9. The lady in front of you drops her wallet unaware and she has $100 in cash. What’s your action?
  10. You catch someone stealing and no one but you witnessed the crime. What’s your move?

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Quiz topic: Which Remastered member am I (Part 1)
