Which Pokemon is your Starter?

This is my first quiz. HELLO, I am a new user who adores pokemon. I will be making sequels to this quiz and More pokemon quizzes such as Mega and Gigantamax.

So, let's see what starter you would have. Take this quiz to see. Also if you don't like your answer, Do not take it seriously. It's just for fun. Enjoy!

Created by: When7821
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You come across an unattended baby Do you:
  2. You come across a tree you have to cut. Do you
  3. You lose to Elite four, Do you
  4. You have to stop Groudon and Kyogre from fighting, Do you
  5. You are being bullied at school. Do you
  6. You have to fight Palkia, Who do you use?
  7. You run into a youngster on Route 1, Do you
  8. You are going to ask out your crush, Do you
  9. What is your favorite type
  10. What is the best Gen from 1-3?

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Quiz topic: Which Pokemon is my Starter?