Which Pet Is Best For You?

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Everyone knows that deciding what pet is right for you can sometimes be a long and difficult decision. But hey, that's what I'm here for! I have had experiences with all of the pets in this quiz, so I'm pretty much a primary source.

Sometimes people choose pets that they think is right for their lifestyle, but it ends up almost tearing them and their loved ones apart! When you choose a pet, the MOST IMPORTANT THING is to make sure that pet is 100% the right pet for you and your family. Take this quiz and it will guide you along!

Created by: Hannah Mathys
  1. How much money are you able to dedicate to your pet per year?
  2. How much money are you able to dedicate to your pet per month?
  3. How much room in your house can you dedicate to your pet?
  4. How much time can you dedicate to grooming a month?
  5. How much time can you dedicate to cleaning your pet?
  6. How much time can you dedicate to playtime and exercise?
  7. What type of skin would you prefer your pet to have?
  8. How tolerant are you of noise?
  9. Are you capable of treating animals gently?
  10. Are you out of town alot?

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