Which one of my OC's are you? (updated)

Do you like foxes? Do you want to be one? Well you can find out which one of them you are. Are you shy, smart, rebellious, playful, comical, or the super chill one?

And yes I KNOW that I made another quiz about OC's but since then I have updated my drawing style and have created several new OC's that are MUCH better than my old ones. Hope you enjoy the quiz! xoxo -Coco

Created by: Coco love 227

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Introvert or Extrovert?
  2. I need you to imagine that you are a fox for the rest of this quiz
  3. Are you traditional or unique?
  4. How did/do you behave in school
  5. Saturday afternoon and you have nothing to do. What will you use to entertain you?
  6. What is your eye color? (As a fox)
  7. Personality?
  8. Do you have a temper?
  9. Favorite Hobby?
  10. Last question, which fox do you think you will get

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Quiz topic: Which one of my OC's am I? (updated)