Which one of my best-friends are you? | Comments

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  • Kiera! But i am NOT a girly girl.

  • Okay, I got Kiera.

    It's true that I keep my nails immaculately in check, however, I don't mind breaking a nail. And I don't not fight because of the sake of my nails...Violence isn't my thing. I can throw a decent punch if I need to.

  • dumb dumb sumb um dumb

  • Which one of my best-friends are you?
    Your Result: Kiera 54%

    You're Kiera! You are loving, kind, and a huge girly girl. You don't really like to get into fights because you might get upset if you break a nail. You have many friends and like all of the bright colors in the rainbow! You have a great sense of humor and whenever someone makes you mad and you threaten them, they all laugh at you because they know you won't do any damage due to your kind and caring heart.

    Okay, so no they wouldn't laugh at me because
    A. I'm not afraid to break one of my claws

    B. I would hurt them mentally with my overwhelming sense if humor first

    C. If I HAVE to resort to violence then I'll be sure to make them lose a layer of skin :)


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