Which OG Dance Moms Girl Are You?

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Take this short and easy quiz to find out which OG Dance Moms Girl you are!! dancemomsabbyleekillerbbyleekillerkjehfefhuewfhweiufhiuwehfsdjfgbsafguaskjewauey

ily billie! u are my favorite snowboarder i love the copol hair vewerme and my babysitter enjoy long walks in the park and holding hands. sometimes when mommy is away daddy holds hands with the babysitter

Created by: GG Rocks
  1. What would be your favorite style of dance?
  2. How would you describe yourself?
  3. Are you a favorite?
  4. How crazy is your mother?
  5. What do you do when you dont win?
  6. ignore this
  7. ignore this too
  8. and this
  9. last one
  10. thank you for taking thissss ehehehe JESUSSSSSSS

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Quiz topic: Which OG Dance Moms Girl am I?
