Which of the male X-Men are you? (TAS, ideologies)

Which of these X-Men are you? You could be Wolverine, Gambit, Cyclops, Beast, or Professor X. There's only the boys because I had to limit the number of answers, but I think you'll find someone you relate to no matter who you relate to.

These questions will make you examine your ideology. There are no right answers, it's really about what you think is right. You may have to think really hard about what you believe, but we're all here to learn about ourselves.

Created by: OneOfUs
  1. Is it ever ok to kill?
  2. What qualifies someone as a bad person?
  3. Are you a good person?
  4. If you're going to be punished for something you didn't do, do you do it?
  5. If you were to die tonight, would you be satisfied with the life you lived?
  6. You volunteered for a task you thought you could handle, but it's quickly becoming apparent that you're in over your head. Do you ask for help?
  7. Should mutants be regulated at all, for example by cataloguing them?
  8. Is Magneto right to be afraid of a world in which mutants are considered less-than?
  9. Should very young mutant kids be identified?
  10. Which of these qualities should everyone aspire to?

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Quiz topic: Which of the male X-Men am I? (TAS, ideologies)
