Which of the Five Main Kibbe Types best Describes You?

The Kibbe system is an alternative to the standard face and body types used in fashion advice. Typical "dress for your shape" guides consider one type superior, and advise all other types to imitate the "best type". For example "pear shapes should down play their hips" or "round faces should contour, to give the illusion of cheekbones". With Kibbe, no type is superior, just distinct from the other twelve. Advice given in accordance with the Kibbe system is meant to enhance your natural traits, not hide them.

This quiz is meant as an introduction for those new to Kibbe. This quiz is non-comprehensive, and focuses only on the main five types. Consider it more of a tool to examine your features, and mentally cross of which types you aren't.

Created by: Klowbi
  1. You height is...
  2. Your shoulder are...
  3. Your arms and legs are...
  4. Your hands and feet are...
  5. Your torso is...
  6. Your thighs and upper arms are...
  7. Your jaw is...
  8. Your nose is...
  9. Your eyes are...
  10. Your lips are..

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Quiz topic: Which of the Five Main Kibbe Types best describes me?
