Which of the core 4 are you

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Descendants is a 2015 American musical fantasy comedy film directed by Kenny Ortega and was released by Walt Disney Pictures on July 31, 2015 to positive reviews and 6.6 million viewers. It starred Dove Cameron, Cameron Boyce, Booboo Stewart, and Sofia Carson.

Which of the 'Core Four' are you? Sly Jay? Clever Carlos? Beautiful Evie? Or clever Mal? Find out your inner Mal, Evie, Jay, or Carlos by taking this quiz!

Created by: Evie Lucy
  1. What's your gender
  2. How would your friends and family describe you
  3. What's your sexuality (this will go along with the next question too)
  4. What character are you, true love
  5. Dream hair color
  6. What is your eye color?
  7. Do you have your ears pierced?
  8. Favorite Descendants song?
  9. Favorite Descendants 2 song?
  10. Favorite Descendants 3 song?
  11. Favorite Descendants Christmas song?
  12. Favorite Descendants Movie
  13. Favorite Descendants book?
  14. Are you more AK or VK?
  15. Favorite Descendants actor?
  16. Which emoji best represents you?
  17. Favorite color of the rainbow?
  18. Favorite Disney Villain of these?
  19. pick an animal.
  20. Pick a next-generation VK.

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Quiz topic: Which of the core 4 am I

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