Which Of My Favorite Anime Characters Are You?

Umm i dont know what else to write here and its going to make me write alot so i will just say this.

Again I don't know what to say here, just take the quiz.

Created by: Brittani
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your group a friends want to have a "Sloth Day" where you dress up as sloths and hang on a tree all day. What is your reaction?
  2. You and your mom are going to an annual Mother-Child party at some...hotel..i dunno. But anyway! She asks you if the outfit she's wearing looks good on her. How do you respond?
  3. You tune in weekly to watch your favorite television show. What is it?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. What do you think of Naruto Uzumaki?
  6. What is your style?
  7. You are taken to a book store. What do you go straight to?
  8. What is your overall attitude?
  9. You have to choose between 4 names for a new band. Which name do you chose?
  10. Your favorite music style?

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Quiz topic: Which Of My Favorite Anime Characters am I?