Which of my band classmates are you? Part 2!

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There are some pretty unique people in my school's band, especially this school year! Some are stupid, just like last year. Some are weirder than they were last year. Some are nice, as always. Let's find out who you are out of a few distinct people in my school's band...but for this school year instead of last school year!

Please do not get upset about your results if you end up with something negative. I would say most of the results have at least one negative thing in them, so don't take it personally and don't take your results too seriously either.

Created by: grimmchild
  1. What instrument do you play (or what instrument would you want to play)?
  2. What is your role in the band? (Pick the one you fit with the MOST if you fit with multiple options)
  3. What do you do for most of rehearsal?
  4. How does your section behave in general?
  5. What do people in your section yell at random times?
  6. What do you like to do at school (outside of band)?
  7. What do you have because of band?
  8. Oh no! You're getting lectured individually. All eyes are on you. What happened?
  9. What letter does your name start with?
  10. How much do you like band?

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Quiz topic: Which of my band classmates am I? Part 2!
