Which of my Anime/Creepypasta OC's Are You?

So hi! I'm Girl_With_A_Scythe aka Blacky, here with a random quiz about my OC's. So yeah, I'm a professional fanfiction writer, I'm in college, I like Levi... I NEVER SAID THAT LAST THING, BRATS! So anyways, enjoy the quiz!

So hi! I'm Girl_With_A_Scythe aka Blacky, here with a random quiz about my OC's! So yeah, I'm a professional fanfiction writer, I'm in college, I like Levi... I NEVER SAID THAT LAST THING, BRATS! So anyways, enjoy the quiz!

Created by: Girl With A Scythe

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Hi! I'm Blacky, here to create quizzes (wtf)! So anyway, I have some OC's here to ask questions! Are you ready to be mentally disturbed? (My brother Jack's here btw)
  2. Me: Tiffy! You're up! Tiffany: Ok! Do you like roses and romance? Jack: Well OF COURSE you would ask that... Tiffany: *road roller* Jack: HAVE MERCY!
  3. Jack: CASSY! Cassidy: OMG YASSS! Who do you ship the most... OUT OF EVERYONE! Erin: OH, SHI-
  4. Me: Erin! I do believe you're next! Jack: Posho... Erin: Do you like titan shifters? I think they're awesome!
  5. Me: ONE OC LEFT! Jack: I don't know how to deal with this! Me: Brat... Anyway... Miss Fusion? LF: Fav Food?
  6. This question doesn't count but do you think Armin is just ADORABLE?
  7. Me: So... no OC's left... :< Jack: Do you like MCR? Me: Random, but fine...
  8. Me: Do you watch Shingeki no Kyojin? And do you think Levi's HOT?
  9. Ain't I KAWAII? :3
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Which of my Anime/Creepypasta OC's am I?