which naruto kunoichi are you

This is a quiz for girls onely. Not sayin boys arent aloud to take it but is will onely throw out results for girls so its your choise if you wanna take it.

If you wonder which naruto kunoichi you are come check out this quiz for results. Hope you enjoy it hope it wasnt to boring. And please rate this quiz

Created by: rulene
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Please dont kill me but whats your fave color
  2. Whats youre fave clothes
  3. What is your hair length
  4. What is your eye color (Or which of these would you prefer)
  5. What color hair do you prefer
  6. Choose a topic that describes you best
  7. Fave foods
  8. Choose a jutsu
  9. What weapon do you use
  10. What do you think about this quiz *doesnt affect your score*
  11. Will you rate this quiz? PLEEAAS!! *doesnt affect results*

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Quiz topic: Which naruto kunoichi am I