Which Naruto character are you?

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This quiz is for all you Naruto fans around the world. Which character are you? Don't you want to know? This is a very acurate quiz which took me three hours (alot of time for a thirteen year old) so please respect it.

So are you ready for the test of your life? No rules, nothing holding you back. Then try the quiz to find out which Naruto character you REALLY would be. Go on.

Created by: Mike
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You are walking past a ramen stand on an important mission. What do you say.
  2. Your favorite weapon is...
  3. Your friend is in danger. You...
  4. Your favorite color is...
  5. You are best described as...
  6. Your favorite character from the following is...
  7. Your favorite thing to do is...
  8. Your favorite style is...
  9. Do you have a crush?
  10. Do you have a kind heart, a dark heart, or aren't sure about yourself.

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Quiz topic: Which Naruto character am I?