which myspace hottie are you?

do you think your hot? like my body? want some? are you hot? let's see if you really are. take my quiz if you dare. find out which myspace hottie you are. what is a hottie? well.....it could be johnny depp or it could be andy dick. you be the judge.

this is the one time you will actually find out who you truly are. thanks to this great quiz, you will soon see!! ok.....so i'm required to write more but i have nothing else to say!

Created by: gretta
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. if you were a musician, what instrument would you play?
  2. how many countries have you been to?
  3. can you sing?
  4. if you were a color, what color would you be?
  5. is america free?
  6. do you like bananas?
  7. where is heaven?
  8. how will the world end?
  9. of the following, what is your favorite movie?
  10. which are smarter....men or women???

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Quiz topic: Which myspace hottie am I?