Which my little pony character are you?

There are many different people. And i am NOT saying this quiz will be bang on right, but please don't hate this quiz if you get a result that you din't like, after all, it is just for pure fun! Thank you.

Are you creating an OC (official character) but need some help? Or you just want to try this out for pure fun! Well this quiz will determine which my little pony character best suites you! You can model of the answer you get or just tell your friends!

Created by: Cara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What colour do you prefer?
  2. What do you like to do most in your spare time?
  3. How do people describe you?
  4. What would you wear to a fancy party?
  5. What pet do you prefer?
  6. If you were a plant, what would you be?
  7. Are you fast?
  8. What colour combinations do you like best?
  9. Are you flirty
  10. Ok, final question. What instroment do you like best?

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Quiz topic: Which my little pony character am I?