Which mha character is attracted to you

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Hello!hope you like my quiz it took me long so just please don’t hate on me it’s my second quiz and uh yeah I just did this cause I was bored lol anyway

I can sleep in jeans not like half an hour but all night also I really hope at least like 2 people see this anyway thank you for viewing my quiz! 😁

Created by: Katsarecool
  1. Favorite color
  2. If there was a zombie apocalypse who would you prefer to survive with?
  3. Favorite quirk?
  4. Who do you wanna get? (No affect)
  5. Why are we still here...
  6. Class 1A or 1B
  7. Do you think bakugou is hot?
  8. Who would you live with?
  9. Did you like my quiz
  10. Sus

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