Which mcyt are you?

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This quiz will show you which mcyt you are by personality. So try your best or you will fail like you did in you first grade test that you had to redo

Do your best! And try not to redo it or your Thea will go get the chanclas and whoop your bottom and you get no candy for three hundred days and qaukity tries to sell las drogas to you

Created by: Ghost
  1. Who do you think is a better singer?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. What is your favorite thing to do in Minecraft while playing with friends?
  4. What is your favorite Minecraft animal?
  5. Who is your favorite dream smp member from the answers below? (This question will not effect the results)
  6. What is your favorite thing about school?
  7. What do you hate about COVID-19?
  8. Why are you taking this quiz?
  9. Sexuality?
  10. What is 5x5

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Quiz topic: Which mcyt am I?
