which marvel villain are you ?!!!

there are lots of characters in the marvel universe every one pays attention to what hero they are or what power you would have as a hero but what about doing the same thing BUT with villains.

EVERYONE cant be a hero not everyone has the heart to be one.also if everyone was a hero what is the point since there is no one to stop and it wont be special.that is why we need villains so know we could have fun.

Created by: Isaac
  1. if you were to have some land what would you do
  2. in a fight would you need help
  3. on a scale from 1 to 10 how strong are you 10 strongest 1 weakest
  4. what power do you have
  5. where would you live
  6. what is your weakbess
  7. what is your weapon
  8. what race would you be
  9. favorite color
  10. on a scale from 1 to 6 how evil are you

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Quiz topic: Which marvel villain am I ?!!!