Which mamotte lollipop character are you?

Mamotte Lollipop is a great book, with great characters.do YOU want to know who you are??will you be the daring zero, the flirty rokka, the quirky sun or the sweet nina?

if you are Sun, you will be cute and childish.Rokka,sexy and flirty.Zero,extemely daring,or Nina, the sweet main character?we will find out as soon as we take this amazing quiz.see you soon!

Created by: Nina
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. you see your crush. how do you react?
  2. ypu see a puppy.what do you do?
  3. what flavour ice cream do you like?
  4. you and your bf or gf are out on a date.wjere do you go?
  5. what is your opinion on unicorns
  6. what is your ideal pet?
  7. where would you like to live
  8. do you know what rorripopu means
  9. what is your hair colour
  10. what sorta books do you enjoy

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Quiz topic: Which mamotte lollipop character am I?