Which lounge girl are you?

Haven't you always wondered which second floor lounge girl you are most like? Yeah they are cool but they are each unique in their own way.......and we are nuts

Never wanted to know? always was a burning question in your mind? Well guess what!!! Now you can find out, feel gifted and loved for having this privilage. Good luck and God speed...

Created by: MALK

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. At parties your choice of beverage is...
  2. At parties you can be found doing the following...
  3. In high school you were...
  4. When shopping you hit up...
  5. Your room is usually...
  6. People would most describe you as...
  7. What kind of computer do you own?
  8. What type of town are you from?
  9. Whats your favorite sport?
  10. At parties you are most likely to say...
  11. favorite stalking method...
  12. now if you were to kill this person...
  13. after one crazy night your thought upon waking up are...

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Quiz topic: Which lounge girl am I?