Which Loser are you?

You will find out which Loser are you from the movie It. You could be Bill, the leader, Richie the jokester, Eddie and Stanley, most scared, Bev, bravest, Ben, smartest or Mike, the newbie.

Sorry but you can't be Bowers or Pennywise because they are not Losers and don't want to to scare some people doing this quiz. So I hope it doesn't scare you.

Created by: Tayshaun
  1. Age?
  2. Gender?
  3. How do people describe you?
  4. What ar you afraid of?
  5. Where do you spend your time at?
  6. Do yo wear glasses?
  7. Would you walk on greywater?
  8. What position are you of a group?
  9. Who do you want?
  10. Do you love the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Loser am I?
