Which LGBTQPA+ letter are you?

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This quiz is just for fun so take the answer with a pinch of salt because only you know who you are and nobody can take that away from you ever! Have fun, answer the questions as honestly as possible and enjoy!

I tried to include as many people as possible and make it as accurate as I can but there may still be mistakes! Have fun, answer the questions as honestly as possible and enjoy! For question 7, the flag is the grey, purple, white and pink flag at the start of the quiz!

Created by: Jelly Bean
  1. What is your biological sex?
  2. Have you ever had a crush on your best friend?
  3. Have you ever felt out of place in your own body, like it belongs to someone else?
  4. Do you have experience with guys?
  5. Do you have experience with girls?
  6. Who is Hailey Kiyoko?
  7. What pride flag is this?
  8. What do you think you are?
  9. Do you like doing makeup?
  10. Who makes up your friend group

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Quiz topic: Which LGBTQPA+ letter am I?
