which imaginary naruto character are you?

There are a lot of anime gfans out there. And here we have made up naruto characters, see which one are you. Have Fun doing this quiz. Now if you don't mind, i'[m to lazy to finish this pargraph, so I'm gonna write anyrhing stupid to finish it, there!

We went through a lot of trouble making this stupid quiz,,e were bored and had nothing better to do...see wich made up naruto chatacter are you! It'll be fun.Now if you don't mind, i'[m to lazy to finish this pargraph, so I'm gonna write anyrhing stupid to finish it, there!

Created by: AllyRiot

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Your favourite color is?
  2. What does dream guy-girl look like?
  3. If a guy or a girl you like asks you out, what would you say?
  4. Your favourite jutsu?
  5. You're going to the cinema, you see a clear wall, what will the grafiti be?
  6. You broght you're iPod, what are you listening to?
  7. Which movie are you gonna watch?
  8. It's the end of the quiz....
  9. Gotcha, it's not the end
  10. now, this is the real end.

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Quiz topic: Which imaginary naruto character am I?