Which Horrid Henry character are you?

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There are many types of people. But do you have what it takes to conquer the quiz. What type of Horrid Henry character are you? If you wanna find out, what are you waiting for. Try out this quiz!

Are you Horrid Henry or are you Perfect Peter? To horrid to perfect which one are you? Do you wonder if you're henry? Well, the key to stop you thinking is right here! Just answer the questions and you will find out.

Created by: Sara
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite prank?
  2. Who is your favorite teacher?
  3. What is not your favorite food
  4. What does your school report say?
  5. Describe your ideal party.
  6. What is your favorite TV show?
  7. Who is your favorite Horrid Henry character?
  8. Describe yourself
  9. What is your favorite type of writing?
  10. Would you kill your parents or be perfect for 2 years?

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Quiz topic: Which Horrid Henry character am I?