Which hogwarts house are you in?

This quiz is for you to find out what house you'd be in if you went to hogwarts. You may not agree with the answers but this is just my opion. I spent a long time making this perfect so I do hope it's good enough.

Finally thank you for taking the time to take my quiz! I hopefully will do more quizzes soon. This is my first quiz I've done on here so hopefully in future I can make an even better one!

Created by: Lauren of Which hogwarts house are you in?
(your link here more info)
  1. Which animal would you most like to be your patronius?
  2. What is your favourite hogwarts lesson?
  3. Who is your favourite hogwarts teacher?
  4. What would you do if one if your friends was token into the forbidden forest by a mysterious looking man?
  5. How would you describe yourself?
  6. What's your favourite quote?
  7. If you saw a hurt animal which could possible harm you what would you do?
  8. Which character is most like you?
  9. Which animal would you rather have as a pet?
  10. What's your favourite colour combination?
  11. What is the fist charm you would do in a duel?
  12. If your worst enemy hurt your friend in some way what would you do?
  13. What house would you like to be in?

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Quiz topic: Which hogwarts house am I in?