Which Harper Are You?

You can be the best person you can be! try to be sporty fun exiting, cool cool, good lookin' person ever. take the quiz to see what good of a person you are and can be, with examples of what you are with the Harpers.

Are YOU sporty, sweety, cuety, weird, smart, brainey, one these things you really do not know, ut you really want to? Take the quiz and you will be compared to a weird family called the Harpers. Take the quiz to find out!

Created by: Lulu
  1. what's your everyday breakfast?
  2. what is the best room of the house?
  3. which part of the family are you?
  4. What's your hobby?
  5. What's on your wish list?
  6. what's your dream job?
  7. what color is your lunch box?
  8. your never without your...
  9. you get the most complements on your...
  10. What is your age?

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Quiz topic: Which Harper am I?