Which Guardian Character are you? | Comments

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  • Miki

    Miki generally wears a tomboyish outfit, in the image of a painter, complete with a light blue bag where she keeps her drawing supplies. She wears a large artist beret over her head, decorated with a dark blue spade. She has dark blue eyes. An artistic character, Miki is level-headed, calm and insightful. She is intuitive and seems to detect the presence of X-Eggs or Wishing Eggs better than her fellow Guardian Characters. She is also stubborn, disobediant and can be quite ironic at times, but overall she is very sensible and moderate. She manifests her drawing powers by saying "Drew, Draw, Drawn!" Miki is very skilled at drawing and design, and can Miki is able to let the drawings that she draws, turn real, much like Amu's ability when she becomes "Amulet Spade".

    yup thats me! awlsome quiz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

  • awesome. I was Miki. sounds just like me.


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