Which Group in High School Are You in?

High school. The world of the teenagers. We all know that people try to fit in, but where do they fit in? They do not know until they try it all. And neither will you.

Which group would YOU be in? If you've ever wondered which group would take you, here's your chance to find out! Are you a jock? Are you a prep? Are you a nerd? Are you a cheerleader? Are you a pony-club member? Who knows!? This quiz does! BTW I only did five because in my new story there is only five. Anyway, good luck :D?

Created by: malorygirl
  1. Hi!
  2. Role play time!
  3. You are walking through a hallway when you see six doors. They are all labelled. Which one do you go through?
  4. A little girl is sitting on some stairs crying. You...
  5. There is a fire. You may save one object. Which one is it?
  6. Which saying do you like best out of these? BTW I just made them up so don't be mad!!!
  7. Lol derp =-/
  8. Someone you like comes up to you and asks you out. You say...
  9. Now picture this: your worst enemy comes over to you and asks you out. You...
  10. Which social media site do you prefer?
  11. Favourite animal?
  12. You see your crush kissing someone else. How do you react?
  13. Favourite emoji?
  14. Last question up next.
  15. Before you go, this won't change anything, but, just wondering... What's your favourite hobby? Okay then yes it will change the results maybe.
  16. Byeeee!!!

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Quiz topic: Which Group in High School am I in?