Which Greek God are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Which Greek God are you?

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  • My Result: You are mostly like Poseidon! ~ 84%

    You are mostly like Poseidon! That means you love to swim, and be around the water, and love to ride horses. Take care of your powerful and shiny trident!

    You are mostly like Athena! ~ 76%
    You are mostly like Artemis! ~ 60%
    You are mostly like Zeus! ~ 21%
    To: Cheesems9

    I know right!!!! I love Athena and Poseidon and I can't choose which ones my serious fave because they're both so Awesomeness!!!! That last question cracked me up!!!! I still am not over it!!!! LMFAO!! :) :D xD XD

    Elaine Evans
  • I got Artemis cool quiz thought :]

    Beautiful Games
  • questions made it obvious what my result was goona end up..

  • Great quiz! I was Poseidon- I LOVE HIM!!!!! HE IS MY FAVORITE GREEK GOD EVER!!! HOW DID YOU KNOW????


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