Which Gossip Girl character are you?

So, anyone who clicked on this probably has read the series Gossip Girl right? Well I certainly have! Addictive right? Well, here's your chance to find out which of the characters in the uber popular books you are most like. Enjoy!

So, who do you think you will be? Nate? Blair? Vanessa? serena? Dan? Chuck? Who could it be? I hope you guys have fun taking this quiz and rate it in the end! Thanks for showing interest! Have a super day everyone! Sorry these papagraphs are such bs!

Created by: Malia
  1. What kind of hair do you have?
  2. One word to describe you is...
  3. You want to be a...
  4. My family is like...
  5. My favorite pastime is...
  6. My eyes are...
  7. My dream college is...
  8. My favorite food is...
  9. One word to describe my relationships with the opposite sex is...
  10. If you're lover cheated on you, you would...
  11. Did you like this quiz?
  12. Who do you think you will be

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Quiz topic: Which Gossip Girl character am I?