Which God or Goddess Are You Like? | Comments

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  • Oy, this quiz made no sense to me. And people need to calm down and quit taking everything so seriously! I mean, come on! If you choose to be closed-minded and exclude even the most remote possibility that there is a multitude of divinities beyond your own belief system, then why take a quiz like this? And if you're wondering, I am a Pagan/Wiccan.

  • i am not like a goddess i can't still belive anyone compared me to a

    greek and roman goddess i been reading about cleopatra alot in college and high school wow quizilla called me a goddess that's special

    i'm no more attractive than the real cleoptra i just saw a document on her

    i'm black and cherokee why am i suddenly so intersting according to quizilla.com because of high morals and medium self esteem wow a girl that played with transformers toys when i was 6 is intersting

  • Yay! Goddess Bastet. My first choice and preference.

  • looks like im most like sekmet if sh was real we could get along (=

  • i am a feamale i am not a god quizilla said i was like persphone i am nothing like her i thought i had nothing i common with greek goddess that was not my best subject in college roman and greek history i liked and did better in european history with a study guide. i just took the Shia la beouf quiz he does not need a online stalker i believe and people to crazy over him who are these people commenting so fast i just saw in the city and a guide to reconizinng your saints i'm normal you don't need to hunt shia down . kendra bethune aka jthunejoyand miss orange

  • I am god lmao!

  • am budha..lol......... dnt know really how 2 reakt!

  • Responding to sizzlinsis... satan is a god just not in the christian faith.. jesus and the christian god are two different things seeing as god the father would be the nameless christian god.. and god the son would be jesus... Buddha is regarded as a god as to the litteral definition and by his followers... WOW you make other christians look stupid... think b4 ya speak

  • im my own god b----ES!

  • okay this is the WEIRDEST test i've ever taken!! I mean, come on, Buddah is Not a god, and neither is Satan, and HELLO! Jesus and the Christian God are the same, stupid!

  • I'm Buddha. I'm gonna move that factory in 2 seconds!

    And Zeus, Jesus, and "God" tied for second place.

  • I'm Satan Wooo! Fear me!

    Bella Cullen
  • imm
    jesussbabee :]

  • I am totaly Sekehmet. :D Suits me perfectly. ^^

  • I am god? cool that means im nice but im also mean when i need to be yay!!!!!!!!!

  • this quiz is ugly

  • In response to quickblue92:

    Eve ry one of the deities listed (excluding, of course, "your own...") has been worshiped as a "God". There are sects that revere Buddha as a god. Satanists. But you only argued two. What about the other three? Bask, Zeus, Sekhemet? Are not those 'gods' shunned in your idealistic christian viewpoint? What would be the point of this quiz, if said quiz prescribed to that line of thinking? Ever result would read:

    "You are not god, there is only one true god, and you are not it."

    Other than the limited selection of deities, (which only bothers me because I don't have to the time to properly research which deities personality would fit me best) this quiz was pretty well done.

  • okay whoever you are below me;
    you NEED to calm down;
    its a f---inq QUIZ;
    so calm down.!

  • so it turns out im my own goddess ok wateve

    but let me set the record straight here since apparently pretty much no one including the idiot who made this quiz knows anything about religion

    Satan is NOT a god you HOTISME person what Bible are you reading Satan is a fallen angel and it clearly says in the Bible that the angels were made IN GODS IMAGE not to be Gods Satan being a god was a lie that Satan came up with to trick Eve in the Garden of Eden and it worked on you too

    And Jesus and the Christian God as this lameo puts it are ONE AND THE SAME Jesus is the son of god in the spirit of the Father The Trinity right Father Son and Holy Spirit all in one Please tell me Im not the only one who paid attention in Sunday School

    Buddha is not a god either Buddha was a prophet

    Seriousl y if youre going to create a quiz at least do the research beforehand so you arent just proving how incredibly uneducated you are and risk offending someone that might turn out to be a serial kille

  • I like this Quiz I got Sekhment if I wasnt Sekhment I would be Satan!! (I like the secound one )

    Bella Swan
  • Im Jesus.. LOL

    Ciara Swan
  • ...I got "No god or goddess." Well I knew that already, but this was still fun!!

  • After I read this comments on these people saying that Satan is not a GOD! I can tell they no nothing about the Bible... It clearly states in the Bible that Satan & the fallen angels who choose 2 b recognized as GOD'S r indeed that! The GOD of the Bible recognizes them as GOD'S yet mere humans dont?? Thats just like someone would say SATAN is not the ruler of the earth! When indeed the bible clearly states he is! LOL! WHO GIVES A RAT'S AZZ WHAT HUMAN'S THINK? LOL! These higher powers know there positions... & THEY DON'T NEED IDIOTIC HUMANS TO TELL THEM WHAT THEY ARE. Now I can c why the spirits were made diffrently from mankind.. SMH!

  • Well that was pointless. I had hoped it would have something to do with the roman, egyption (sp?), or greek gods.

    And Satan is not a god, as many people have said before. And I am not even going to get started on the Jesus thing.

    You should really get to know something better before you post a quiz about it.

  • yes budha with very few ?s u new me immediately GREAT JOB!!!


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