Which frontman are you?

there are many kinds of different frontmen,... and no you don't have to have any musical talent to take this quiz. and yes girls can take this quiz too.

are you mellow, hardcore, a rocker, or a pansy? well theres only one way to find out, take this quiz and see what you're all about. then again maybe not.

Created by: alice
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your favorite kind of flower?
  2. do you like to text?
  3. do you drink alcohol?
  4. do you smoke?
  5. bicurious?
  6. favorie kind of music.
  7. tattoos?
  8. fave band (obvious one)
  9. white girls?
  10. where would you take me?

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Quiz topic: Which frontman am I?