How much do you know about music?

Hey, are you a musician? Well, you I'll find out by taking this helpful quiz! What's mp mean? How many lines are on the musical staff? If you cannot answer these, don't even try!

Now, your score doesn't matter, because everybody has their very own special talent. But this is about music, and to see how much hope there is. And the lower the score, the better you real talent is.

Created by: Anonymous
  1. How many lines are on the musical staff?
  2. In music, what does mp mean?
  3. Does the treble clef look more like G or C?
  4. In music, there are two clefs. The treble clef and the _.
  5. Which of the following is NOT a dynamic?
  6. The notes on the musical staff can be sharp, flat or _.
  7. The notes on the musical staff are A through _.
  8. A sharp looks like _.
  9. This should be an easy one: how many strings are there on a violin?
  10. A tuba is a _ instrument.

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about music?
