Which Female Character From Naruto Are You?

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Hello There! Assallamu Alaikum! Konichiwa! My Name is Ali and this is the first ever Quiz I have made. I am a Huge Naruto Fan so most probably you will be seeing my post more Naruto related quizzes. Hope you will enjoy taking it.

After taking this quiz you will be able to know according to your real life personality which Kinouichi or female character from Naruto you would be. All the best and Arigato!

Created by: N. S. Ali
  1. If you had to fight with a member of Akatsuki, who would it be?
  2. If someone says something unintentionally inappropriate in front of you; how would you react?
  3. You just happened to fail your exam; what would you do?
  4. A new guy has enrolled at your school and you happen to have a crush at him. How would you behave in front of him?
  5. If you had to date one character from Naruto; who would he be?
  6. What best describes your personality?
  7. What is your spirit animal?
  8. Which element best describes you?
  9. If someone abuses a person that you love; what will you do?
  10. Choose a profession.

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Quiz topic: Which Female Character From Naruto am I?
