Which (FEMALE) Batman Villain are you?

Batman is a great book series, but nobody cares about the ~Ladies~ So I have decided to create a quiz about them sick, yet beautiful villianesses!!!!!!

Which Female Batman Villain are you? There's not so many, but the couple of female villains I know are awesome! Figure out which one you are!!! :D :D

Created by: H.Q
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which words do your friends use to describe you?
  2. You often feel...
  3. Ever want/ Do you have kids?
  4. Pick an emoticon.
  5. Pick a job:
  6. Pick an animal.
  7. Pick a name.
  8. Your eye color?
  9. Hair color?
  10. Baii!

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Quiz topic: Which (FEMALE) Batman Villain am I?