Which Factory-Farmed Animal Would You Be?

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Oh no. You've been born at a factory farm! Luckily for you, though, you get to choose your fate. Remember, while the less painful options sound appealing, each benefit has its costs.

There are lots of animal-exploiting industries domestic and around the world, so this is not an exhaustive list. But this is my attempt to make education about animal cruelty fun and productive. No graphic images. I mean, that's a plus, right? So, time to go to the factory farm!

Created by: Vegangooses
  1. What's the MOST important quality to you?
  2. How long would you like to live?
  3. Which type of pain would you endure in infancy?
  4. How big would you be?
  5. What are your preferred living conditions?
  6. Would you like to be male or female?
  7. How would you prefer to die?
  8. Lol, I need 12 questions. So, what's your favorite animal? (Not counted)
  9. Response to, "BACONNNNN!!"
  10. Favorite carnist misconception? (Again, not counted)

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