which ever after high character are you?

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This quiz will determine which ever after high character you are. You dont have to be a genius to do it. Have fun with this remember to comment enjoy.

Are you an ever after high fan? Well let's see take this test and find out. Apple white or blonde locks which ever you are have fun! And again dont be angry.

Created by: Chloe of Quiz master.com
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which ever after high character are you?
  2. Which ever after high character would you like to be
  3. If you were to choose between a run Royal or rebel who would you be?
  4. If you saw a royal dating a rebel what would you do?
  5. If you had grimmnastics at 1:00 and it's now 12:55 would you-
  6. If you had a manicurse or pedicurse what color would you use?
  7. There is no makeup!what do you do?
  8. Who would you date?
  9. Which class would you take?
  10. Which twin would you prefer

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Quiz topic: Which ever after high character am I?