Which Economist Are You?

A quiz based on confusing labels, stereotypes and, possibly, the author's misunderstandings. The goal here is to get people talking, rather than labeling them.

The questions are mostly about macroeconomics, unfortunately, although they do touch on some other subjects. You should try and design your own quiz and let me know, on the blog. Any feedback is more than welcomed. That being said, enjoy!

Created by: Gabriel

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. The stochastic growth model is...
  2. Power and exploitation are...
  3. John Maynard Keynes was...
  4. Market socialism...
  5. Long-run monetary neutrality is...
  6. Laws concerning wages and prices (such as the minimum wage or anti-inflation price controls) are...
  7. The lesson of the Cambridge Capital Controversies is that...
  8. Rational expectations are...
  9. The largest part of unemployment--in contemporary capitalist countries--can be attributed to...
  10. Bifurcations and chaos theory are...
  11. Relaxing model assumptions...
  12. Equilibrium means...

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Quiz topic: Which Economist am I?