Which Dream Team Member Are You?

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Just a simple quiz on which Dream Team member is most similar to you! Just remember that it's not always 100% accurate. All of this is just for fun, so have fun pls.

I have to put more words here so uhh- arson arson arson arson arson gogy gogy gogy gogy gogy fdsgvrdsgvregdsfgvsdvsdvsdvfsdvsdvsdvsdvsdvsdvsdsdvsdvdsvsdv

Created by: CheeseBred
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. How would you describe yourself?
  3. What's your favorite tool/weapon in Minecraft?
  4. Who are you in the friend group?
  5. What do you like to do to spend your time on Minecraft?
  6. ...Are you a simp?
  7. Pick a Minecraft mob as your pet.
  8. What would be your reaction to a forest fire?
  9. How would you spend you time?
  10. Which member do you think you are? (This doesn't affect your result)

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Quiz topic: Which Dream Team Member am I?
